The Area-Turneffe Atoll

The Turneffe Atoll is the largest coral atoll in the western hemisphere and as such it has long offered fantastic saltwater fishing opportunities. Situated one and one half hour’s boat ride from Belize City its relative inaccessibility ensures that as well as providing a high level of exclusivity it places the visitor in a beautiful and diverse marine environment. At 30 miles long and 10 miles wide it assures an enormous variety of fishable water.


The Accommodation-Turneffe Lodge

As far as saltwater fishing lodges go, Turneffe Flats is one of the most well established and one of the most comfortable. Under the same ownership for 25 years, it has developed from an aspiration into a lodge of world repute. Idyllically located with wadeable flats 10 meters from your porch it consists of 4 individual chalets, each containing two very spacious double rooms. Each room has a private bathroom, air conditioning and ocean-fronted veranda, all eastwards facing to catch the morning sunrise. There are also two larger villas with their own sitting room which are ideal for families or groups. The main lodge has a central dining room, fully stocked bar capable of providing the most exotic of cocktails as well as a comfortable sitting area.


The Fishing

The Turneffe Atoll has fishing for everyone from novice to expert. The fishing tends to be a mix between poling for Permit on the ocean flats and the inner lagoon, wading the numerous ocean flats for Bonefish and Permit as well as seeking out Tarpon, Snook and Barracuda in the creeks, channels and lagoons. In addition the reef that runs North to South along the eastern shoreline proves anglers with opportunities for Snappers and Jacks.

Fish Species – Permit

Although there is enormous variety on offer with large schools of Bonefish on all the flats, Turneffe has increasingly focused on its Permit fishing for which it is world renowned. It is likely that you will see more Permit and have more opportunities at Permit than at any other destination. On the ocean flats it is common to see Permit tailing on a frequent basis and along the inner edge of the Atoll, running alongside the mangroves, it is likely that you will see not just individuals but large schools where the water ripples from the combined wakes of several dozen or more cruising fish.


The bread-and-butter of most saltwater destinations and the opportunities at Turneffe are equally good all year round, even if they sit to an extent in the shadow of the Permit fishing. The ocean sided flats are not only visually spectacular but have huge schools of Bonefish on easily wadeable flats. It is usually not a case of finding the fish but selecting a fish without spooking what are often much larger schools lurking unseen.


For many, the ultimate in terms of power and size, the Tarpon tend to inhabit the creeks and lagoons. Most Tarpon jumped are in the 60-90 pound range although there are some fish 100-150 and even monsters approaching 200 pounds. Although there are a few resident Tarpon all year round they are migratory and so are seasonal. Numbers increase from April or May and drop off in September or October with the peak months being June, July and August.



Non-Fishing Activities

Although fishing is the mainstay of Turneffe flats it is however only the tip of the iceberg as to what is available.   As such Turneffe is very popuarfor dedicated anglers with partners who would enjoy not just the opportunity to relax by the pool but experince all that this fabulous eco-system has to offer.

DIVING:  The lodge has its own dive master and runs dive packages both around the atoll and to the world reknown blue hole.  Belize's Atolls consistently rank among the world's top dive locations and Turneffe Flats is ideally located to take advantage of Belize's very best Scuba diving. The dive program offers 18 dives each week including a day of diving at Lighthouse Reef and the Blue Hole, weather permitting.

ATOL ADVENTURE:   Explore all of the wonders and the beauty of the Turneffe Atoll, including the finest reef snorkeling in the entire Caribbean.  Our unique marine eco-adventure experience features world-class snorkeling, birding, wildlife sightseeing and several other fun and informative activities. If you are so-inclined, you also can stay at the resort and lounge at the pool or on our beach. Every day offers a great new adventure and a perfect opportunity to relax - that's what our Atoll Adventure is all about. 





Getting to the Lodge

Guests coming to Belize generally have to fly via Miami or another American hub and from there to Belize City. From there you will be collected and taken on a 15-minute drive, via Belize city to Princess Marina. From there you will be picked up and embark on a journey of about one hour to the lodge on the atoll. It is hoped that following runway extensions at the international airport there will be direct flights from Europe.

Belize is an amazingly diverse country and well worth an extra few days to explore.


Mainland Activities - Chaa Creek Rainforest Lodge

There are excellent opportunities to combine a 3 or 4 day fishing package on Turneffe with a package of a similar length on the mainland allowing couples to enjoy much more of what Belize has to offer.   Combination packages with Chaa Creek, an award winning Belizean Rainforest ecolodge, located in the heart of the ancient Maya civilisation, offers both intellectually and physically stimulating trips

  • It was phenomenal!! great lodging, food and hosting. The setting was fantastic. The bone fishing was off the hook, the permit fishing was slow, but my friend and i got into a school almost every day , so had plenty of opportunities. It was great. We will be going back! thanks for checking in . E Slayden -May 2018


Typical Itinerary

Day 1

Arrive Belize (NLT 15.30)
Transfer to Princes Marina
Boat Transfer to Turneffe Flats (90 mins)

Day 2-7

6 Full Days fishing

Day 8

Depart Turnefe
Arrive Belize Airport (9.30am)


Availability and Pricing for the 2025 Season


All Year


Shared Occupancy:
Jan-July - $6,360
Aug-Dec - $5,600

Single Occupancy:
Jan-June - $8,750
June-Dec - $8,100

-Rates inclusive of tourist taxes
-Shorter stay packages of 4 or 3 nights are available on request.

Package Includes:

- Seven (x7) nights.
- Six (x6) days guided fly-fishing.
- Price includes accommodation
- Includes transportation from Belize City Airport.
- All meals and soft drinks.


Price includes Belize taxes. Lodge capacity is 18
Does not include Park entrance & Fishing License

Best Times to Go

The lodge operates all year round. For those specifically wishing to target the migratory Tarpon the season runs from April-September with the best fishing over June, July and August. Permit and Bonefish are available all year round, although the more settled weather conditions between April and August make these the prime months.


More Photos


A week at Turneffe Flats

Our Aim

Our Aim is to share our combined knowledge of fly fishing holidays and fly fishing vacations around the world to make your next river fishing, lake fishing or salt-water fly fishing holiday the best ever.

Our Promise

  • We do not charge a commission over and above the standard rates set by a fishing lodge.

  • Our advice and experience is based on first hand knowledge of the lodges we recommend.

  • We will always offer you any currently available promotions or discounts.

  • Our information is based on personal experience and is unbiased towards any lodge or operation.

  • We will always strive to ensure that your fishing trip is optimised to meet both the best seasonal conditions.


If you would like to know more about the fishing in Belize, please contact us and we will provide you with more details. For availabilities, prices, pre trip information, booking form etc. please contact:

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